Who We Are

A leading US construction search, selection and leadership consulting firm

What we believe

We believe strongly in our mission and we embody our values to our very core. It’s what sets us apart from everyone else. Learn more about us, our team and our philosophy.

Read our core values

The expertise behind GHW Global

There’s no people better-placed to fulfil the recruitment needs of America. Construction is a volatile market to navigate, but with years of experience operating in niche aspects of the industry, we’ve got you covered. Click here to meet our business leaders.

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Candidate services

We’re here to cultivate potential into talent and nurture aspirations into success. Curating CVs and developing career pipelines, we ensure our candidates achieve, thrive and prosper – click here to see how.

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Client services

Let us understand your goals, values and aspirations. That way, we can deliver exceptional, transformative solutions that deliver impactful results. Ready to take your construction business to whole new heights? Trust us to transform your leadership teams today.

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Success stories

We understand the importance of finding leaders who embody the values of hard work, innovation and dedication. That’s how we’ll build a better, stronger, more resilient nation.

Your success is our success, and our track record has already proven our worth.

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